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Transaction Export API

Transaction records can be done in batch via FTP, or via a direct API call.

The format of the file is JSON and looks like the following:

    "CustomerWebId": "customer-9192",
    "WebSaleId": "100536",
    "SaleEmail": "",
    "SalePhone": "(289) 987-4847",
    "TotalWithTax": 168.09,
    "BillingAddress": {
        "Street1": "379 ormond dr",
        "Street2": false,
        "City": "Oswego",
        "State": "KS",
        "Zip": "67356",
        "Country": "US"
    "ShippingAddress": {
        "Street1": "793 Taunton Road East",
        "Street2": false,
        "City": "Oswego",
        "State": "KS",
        "Zip": "67356",
        "Country": "US"
    "ShippingAmt": 0,
    "SoldItems": [
            "ItemSku": "001-310-01359",
            "SalePrice": 175
    "Payments": [
            "PaymentType": "CC",
            "PaymentAmount": 168.09,
            "PaymentSubType": "Visa",
            "Last4": "8744",
            "FirstName": "Melissa",
            "LastName": "Darling"

API Endpoint



since (optional): date since last export. In timestamp format. (eg. 1604636497) Use this parameter to only pull transactions since a given date.

authKey: a punchmark given API authorization key

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