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How to Connect Your Instagram Account

Set up will be slightly different for reconnection this time around.

You will need to:

  1. Log into SiteManager > Settings > Connected Accounts

  2. Disconnect any instagram account that was previously connected

  1. Reconnect the instagram account

    1. You will be asked for a "user json feed url"

    2. Select "What's this?" to access the video-based instructions for what to do next.

    3. Select the "Create URL on" button to proceed

      1. During this step, you’ll follow the instructions from the video you just watched. You’ll need to sign into your instagram account through This will work best on popular browsers such as Chrome and Safari

    4. Once you have the "user json feed url", return to the SiteManager page, add the url into the text input, and select save

    5. Check on the front end of your website that your feed is working. It should work immediately after reconnecting.

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