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How to Connect Your Instagram Account

Please find below the steps to connect your Instagram account to your Punchmark website. In order for this to work, you must have an Instagram business account, and you must be an administrator of the Facebook page it is connected to.
Follow these instructions, or follow along to this step-by-step video to reconnect your Instagram account.

Navigate to the Page

Log in to SiteManager. Open the sidebar and navigate to Settings > Integrations. Once there scroll down the page to the section labeled Instagram V2 Posts.

Disconnect Your Account

If your account has previously been connected and displays "Account is connected" you will need to disconnect it by selecting "Disconnect". Once it has been successfully disconnected, select the new "Connect" button. This action will pop up a Facebook login page.

This pop up will be a Facebook login due to Facebook Inc owning Instagram. Use the Facebook account that is associated to the Instagram you wish to connect.

Reconnect Your Account

Login to the Facebook account that is associated to the Instagram you wish to connect. Once successfully connected, you will be redirected back to the Integrations page.

IMPORTANT: Scroll down to the "Instagram V2 Posts" section again, and choose the page associated with your Instagram account

You should receive a "Connected" message. Your Instagram Business account is now connected!

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