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Interactive Product Videos

Through Picup Media and Vision 360, your Punchmark website has the capability of displaying interactive product videos that your customers can drag to view from different angles. This adds to the stickiness of your site and has an appreciable impact on conversion rate. Our EDGE integration allows you to add these as attributes to EDGE products, so that they can be managed in your inventory and not on your website. In order to do this, you will first need to add the field to your EDGE items.

Adding the embed code field to product screens in the EDGE:

Note: You may need to install the latest version of the EDGE in order to have these options below.


1. Click Administrative > System Options and scroll down to the Special Options section.

2. Click on Special and then click the browse button to the right (three dots).

3. Type in GOGOGADGETWEBDETAILS, then click OK.

4. Restart Edge.

5. Click Inventory > Categories > List and Edit the category you want to add this detail to.

6. Click on the Details tab.  The Web Details will appear at the bottom.

7. Click Create in the first Web Detail slot.  This will open the Items Detail Wizard.

8. Name the detail and click next.

9. For Detail Type, choose Text and select Custom Detail for the storage at the bottom.

10. Complete the wizard to finish adding the detail.  It should show up like this:

11. For items in this category, the detail will now show up on the Website tab:

Once created for one category, this detail can be applied to all categories easily if you want.  To do that:

1. Look up the category you created the detail on.

2. Click Copy To at the bottom.

3. Select the categories at the top and then choose the Web Detail field you want to copy:

4. Click Copy.

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