Patch Notes
The Patch Notes page allows you to see what has recently been updated on the Punchmark platform. This information includes bug fixes, recent updates to existing features, and new features.
See Recent Patch Notes
To see the most recent patch notes, navigate to the Patch Notes page under the Home section of SiteManager. Each release of patch notes is labeled by date. Notes may be released weekly or monthly depending on the quantity of features requested. Within each release of new patch notes, you can see how many updates were made under the “Patch Count” column.

View the details for each patch notes release by selecting the “Expand” dropdown. Each feature release, feature update, or bugfix is listed as a single bullet point. If you have questions about any of the feature releases or updates, please email your Punchmark account manager.

If you are the one who submitted the original ticket, your account manager will let you know that the feature you requested has been updated before the patch notes are published.
Report a Bug
If you notice a bug, please tell us about it as soon as possible! Select “Report a Bug” in the upper left-hand corner to submit your ticket. You will be taken to a separate page to enter your information.
Select the category that best describes your bug, the email address of the person we should contact regarding follow-ups to the ticket, a subject, and detailed description of the error you are encountering. Use the right sidebar to upload any screenshots of your error where applicable. For example, if you are receiving an error message, it may be easier to screenshot it rather than typing it out.
When reporting a bug, if you do not fill in all the required information, we cannot guarantee your request will be processed in a timely manner. Please be as descriptive as possible.