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Switching to Punchmark - What Helps Speed Up The Process

This document outlines what could be helpful to speed up the process as you switch to Punchmark. 

Written by Lorenzo Williams - Project Manager at Punchmark.


If you are using Edge, it may be helpful to review the following items:

  1. Edge images are website-worthy1

  2. Descriptions are website-worthy

  3. Titles are website-worthy

  4. You have paid Edge for with the EDT Single-Directional or EDT Bi-Directional module to be installed at your store


If you are planning to use e-commerce on the website, it may be helpful to do the following:

  1. Have an account created through your Credit Card Processor

  2. Signing up for ClearSale will aid in detecting and blocking fraudulent activity on the website. Click above to learn more. 

  3. We have two options for financing:

    1. Affirm

    2. Sezzle


Please review the following information about pages content:

  1. If you have any pages from a previous website that you would like to have transferred, please create a list to send to the Project Manager. Page transfer is included at no charge. 

  2. If you do not have a current website, you will need to have copy created for at least the About Us page.

  3. Custom pages and copy can be created by Punchmark upon request for an additional fee.

Domain Information

Please acquire your domain2 credentials that will be used for launching the website. If you do not yet have a domain, some popular registrars3 are: 

  1. Go Daddy

  2. Google Domains

  3. Network Solutions

If you do not know who your domain registrar is, we can help you figure it out! 

1 Website-worthy means that all images, titles, and descriptions are fit for clients to view as they will be directly represented on the website.

2 A domain is what your customers type into the URL bar to navigate to the website (ie. or

3 A registrar is who you purchased the domain through (ie. Go Daddy, Network Solutions, or Google Domains)

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