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Advanced URL Strings

There are a few ways to modify the product grid pages so that it filter which products are shown.

These strings append to the “slug” of a page, which is what follows after the root url.

ALL Jewelry URL Format:



This will show all visible products that are listed on your website.

ONLY On Sale Items URL Format:



This will show only products that are discounted on your website across ALL categories that are marked visible.

Display ONLY items tagged with a specific tag



This will limit the root url, in this example /jewelry, to show only products that are tagged with the tag you indicate, in this example mikesprods.

Learn about setting up item tagging here.

Price Over/Under URL Format:




This will limit the root url, in this example /jewelry, to show only products that are priced between the range you indicate, in this example $0 to $200 essentially <$200. This can also be used for “greater than” strings, by using /jewelry?price=500-99999.

Sale Items Price Over/Under URL Format:



This will show ONLY products that are discounted AND fall between the price range your specify, in this example $0-$200.

Brand Products URL Format:



This will show ALL jewelry that is categorized under a specific brand on your website. This can be done by adding a brand to your Featured Brands page, and then categorizing a selection of products to them. Alternatively, this will happen automatically when you subscribe to a Premium Vendor and their products are loaded onto your website.

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