National Rarities - Event Page
Punchmark and National Rarities have partnered to create an official landing page template that is easy to create, edit, and launch ahead of your next National Rarities event.
Create Your Own National Rarities Event Landing Page
Start by logging into your SiteManager then navigating to Content > Pages from the sidebar.
From this page, select +ADD
in the top left corner of the table. This will launch a popup with page template options.

Scroll down in this popup until you find the National Rarities event landing page templates. Select +CHOOSE
and then name your page.

Select + Create Page
to generate this page.
Once your page has been created, you will need to still replace the placeholder content with your event’s details.
Filling the Landing Page with Content
Start by opening the page you just created.
List of Content to Replace
Section 1 (Banner)
Event Date range
Event write Up
Section 3 (Dates)
Event Day 1
Event Day 2
Event Day 3
The “I’m Interested” buttons are default linked to the National Rarities registration page:
The “View Full List” block links to the National Rarities Selling Guide:
Link to Your National Rarities Event Page
Once you’ve finished creating your page and adding in your event details, it is recommended to link to your landing page from your homepage and navigation.
Create a homepage banner for your event and link it to your event landing page!
To add a new nav item to your site’s navigation, you will need to open a ticket for your Punchmark Customer Success Team representative.